Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canadia Day!

Yes, Canadia day. I said it.

Maybe it's because we're all so far from home, or because we live in such a mix of cultures, but here on the ship we tend to be extremely proud of our respective countries, especially on our respective national days. Exhibit A: David and Jeff. Two of my favorite Canadians, but seriously, it looks like Canada threw up on them.

If you look closely, you'll see that Jeff's holding a stuffed hamster. This morning-- I still don't know where he got this from-- Jeff came into the galley with this uber-patriotic hamster doll (dressed in a hockey uniform- because it's a Canadian hamster, obviously). When you pressed a button on its foot, it waved its flag (in a very hamster-like manner, if hamsters even have manners) and sang "O Canada". Cute, right? But guess who kept pushing the button over and over and over and over again? Jeffrey. Pros: I now know the entire Canadian national anthem by heart. Cons: I now hate Canada.

Just kidding. Sort of. (Stupid hamster).

It was actually pretty funny though, because Joyce, one of our day workers, really took a liking to the hamster for some reason. She took the hamster, put it right next to her on the counter top, and kept pushing the button all morning. Every time I looked over at her, I felt kind of like I was looking at one of those "One of these things is not like the other" puzzles: African woman, shelling beans... humming along to the Canadian national anthem... sung by a hamster... wearing a (teeny tiny) hockey suit.

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