Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Countdown: 3 weeks

So I have a little under 3 weeks before I leave for Africa. I feel like I have a never-ending list of things to do before those 3 weeks are up. But I've gotten accomplished all the "big" stuff that I needed to get done before my departure-- I got my official travel documents to get into Togo without a visa, I booked my plane tickets, told everyone around me that I was leaving. That last bit was a little hard to do, especially since this wouldn't just be a temporary thing: I finally decided on a dental school as well (yay), one that takes me out-of-state (boo). So in one go, I had tell my church kids that not only would I be leaving in April for a 3 month trip, but as soon as I got back in July, I'd be leaving them again for graduate school in August. I've been at this church for the last 6 years, and I've been teaching these kids for the better part of 2, 3 years now. They drive me crazy-- let me tell you, they drive me absolutely crazy at times-- but they're great kids, and I love them (when they're sleeping). If you're wondering... yes, I am sitting on one of them.

In any case, today I went to go get my yellow fever vaccine, the only vaccine required to enter Togo (and many other African/South American countries). I already had a physical and blood work done at my primary care physician's office, but only authorized centers can administer this particular vaccination, so I went to a different office and had to shell out an extra $170 for one measly shot. And now I have a prescription for Malaria pills on my desk which I have to go fill up on tomorrow. It's annoying to take all these precautions but definitely worth it, if only for my own peace of mind. The last time I went on a mission trip (Cambodia), our group coordinators handed out these de-worming pills for us to take after we got home. I lost mine (because I lose everything), and every once in awhile for the next year or so, these crazy paralyzing thought would pop into my head ("Hm, I got hungry really fast and I just ate... I have worms, I have worms!!!"). Lesson: take your meds.

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